I clicked it up a notch in August

First let me just say that I am flabbergasted that it’s September already.


We move in a month! 

Panic attack in 3….2………

I gotta go.

But first –

 my August entry for “I Clicked it Up A Notch”.



 I featured this photo as well for Veronica Armstrong’s “Take it Back” entry.

I didn’t take a lot of pictures in August, mainly because I spent a majority of my time on getting the house ready to put on the market, so we didn’t do a lot of super “fun” things. It was a month filled with cleaning house. 

Exciting, no? 

Anyway, this picture was when I took my little sis to get her hair chopped off. This was the moment just before the hair dresser put her hair in a pony tail and chopped it all off.

I like this picture a lot, though the white balance and exposure still kinda bug me.

It was a dark room with hardly any windows, so it wasn’t the best lighting situation.


Anywho, I hope you all like it. 🙂 



Happy Labor day!

